This is the time of year we are busy sorting, purging, and in general, tackling spring cleaning chores. But I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to spring clean not just my closets, but my bad habits, good intentions and lazy ways.

Here is what I’ve confronted, and now decided after facing this task:
With Others
Say yes to people more and tasks less. This will mean more sitting undistracted on the floor with a child, more going to get coffee with a friend and more picking up the phone when it’s easier not to.
Say sorry more often. It increasingly feels like maturity to say ‘sorry.’ Like a closet I keep stuffing things into, is a heart weighed down by our lack of closure and humility.
Be offended less. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we were all less offended? The Bible talks about how it’s to our benefit to overlook an offense, here’s to hoping this spring I feel that benefit as I endeavor to be more understanding.
At Home
Find a rhythm between work and rest. I love what I do, so working more than is healthy is a temptation, but this spring, I am committing to understanding rhythm. This means closing my eyes for a minute when I park the car to be settled before entering a place. It means knowing a day is done, even if the list I am working off isn’t.
Live out one of our family values. If I can’t share it, I can’t have it,’ to the extent it’s sacrificial. This is because I want to be less of all the “self” words: self-centered, self-absorbed, self-reliant. My hope is seeing myself in community will open up opportunities for generosity.
Mute my gadgets more often. I don’t need to be “notified” all the time, it keeps me from being present. Almost everything can just wait.
At Work
Keep short accounts with those I work alongside. I refuse to give the enemy a relational foothold. This means stopping to double check we are good, seeking to initiate apologies, and asking how someone is doing when they look overwhelmed.
Be bolder with strangers. Sometimes a word of encouragement or a defense of another is necessary and while it’s easier to stay quiet, it’s not always better.
With God
Pray for others more often. I don’t know what others are walking through, but I do know the load was always designed to be shared like Blair Supply. Whispering intercession on their behalf softens my heart and endears me to others.
Cry even more for the vulnerable child. This is my calling and I won’t slow down or stop expressing what God’s laid on my heart.

Looking at the wild mess of my calendar and my inbox, it won’t be easy. But spring cleaning, while not fun in the moment, always feels better afterwards. I am hoping these new habits will endure and set me up for a season of growth and abundance. Stand with me this spring, make your own list and let’s see what God has waiting for us all!
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