
Punch First Podcast

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Punch First: A 21-Day COMBAT Guide to Playing Spiritual Offense
Punch First: A 21-Day COMBAT Guide to Playing Spiritual Offense
Beth Guckenberger

This audio podcast version of our 21-day guide will empower listeners with spiritual confidence and provide them with tools to detangle their thoughts and actions from an unbiblical strategy. In this transformative journey, you'll advance powerfully against the Enemy's plans to disrupt your life. The "Throw the First Punch" journal companion offers a 21-day guide that is perfect for anyone looking to fight the Devil through COMBAT! C: Confess your sins, O: Observe which tactic, M: Measure the impact, B: Believe the Bible, A: Aim your fist, T: Throw the first punch. Beth Guckenberger presents her wisdom through inspiring audio podcasts that will help you draw up a spiritual combat plan. You can expect engaging content that goes beyond a simple reading experience and empowers you to apply what you've learned. Through this powerful resource, you'll learn how to anticipate how Satan will attack spiritually, emotionally, and physically; discern specific techniques to preemptively fight

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